Gerardo Gallardo Software Engineer.

Web developer, photography enthusiast and noob video games player.

About me

I am a software engineer developing websites since 2018.

Thanks to my specialized training, I believe that I can add value and continue to develop professionally in a company that matches my values ​​and expectations.

As an organized and highly motivated person, I am able to adapt to any circumstance and always give my best in any project, at the same time that I strive to work as a team and promote values ​​such as companionship.

I am an enterprising person, who loves challenges and does not give up easily. Very detailed and self-taught every day, I never stop learning.

My main objective is to develop professionally and evolve in my sector, so I look for opportunities that allow me to do so.

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A list of public projects that I have carried out during my time as a software engineer.


In you can have a live interview or an On Demand interview, with an On Demand you can try to record as many times as you want. You will be alone answering questions while recording yourself and you can choose where, when and what time.

Rookmotion Gamification

It is a RESTful API that adds a gamification layer, with which the rookmotion platform can generate challenges and goals. This allows the use of rookmotion to be more interactive with end users since it keeps them looking to meet the goals that the challenges propose.


In this portal you can find all the information regarding the attributions that Public Servants have in each of the steps that are carried out in the different hiring processes.


The Citizen Complaint System (SIDEC) of the State of Zacatecas is the medium for than any citizen, can report mainly acts of corruption that involve public servants.


In this portal you can find all the information regarding the attributions that Public Servants have in each of the steps that are carried out in the different hiring processes.


list of my strongest skills


Backend development.


Frontend development.


Frontend development.


MySql and MariaDB.


Bootstrap 4 and TailwindCSS.


Docker, Digital Ocean, Circle CI, Vagrant, Laravel homestead.

GNU Linux

Command line.

Team work

Stop focusing on the "me" and create the "we".

Self learning

Focused on learning about one or more topics in particular, independently, which implies determination, effort, responsibility and perseverance to achieve the desired goal.